Wednesday, January 21, 2009

Nothing stays nice

So, im very angry, and well happy also. Angry because i went to the gym today to workout, i planned to run and do some light boxing work. I hit the heavy bag most days and do a little shadow boxing. Its great cardio and fighters are some of the best athletes in the world so why not take something from them. Well two weeks ago the gym had two heavy bags. That was great, no waiting and i didnt feel like i was hogging the equipment when i was using it. Then this past week, one of the bags was taken away. I dont know why, it just disappeared. I assume it got busted and they removed it, but who friggen knows. Well back to today, i walk in and i start my run and i look over to see if anyone is using the heavy bag, and guess what? The lone heavy bag is missing. SO i finish my run and ask the attendant. Well first the attendants are FN's or dudes from other countries. Yup not americans, most are Indian or Thai, or some weird cant speak a lick of english group. Well I ask and he says it got busted. That prompted me to ask"will it be fixed or replaced?" He just smiled and put his hands up. Big thanks dude.

So nothing ever stays nice here. its always miss used and overused and no one cares because its not theirs.
Well im HAPPY today because i spoke with Jessica and that was awesome. I love you Jessica.

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