Tuesday, January 13, 2009

Mom and Dad

Mom and Dad, thank you both for your packages! I got them today and loved them both.
Dad the coffee cup is spot on! I needed a good one for my TOC duty, the memory stick will stay with me for a long time, the tuna is huge, i mean huge thanks.
Mom, tuna, awesome, the coffee is great and the tooth brush, i was just changing mine and i wished i had a powered toothbrush. thanks
I guess parents do know best. It may seems odd but i will be sporting my Samsung coffee mug for the rest of the deployment. It even matchs the Starbucks thermos i got from Bob Castellini. Yes thats the owner of the Reds and my father the biggest Pete Rose fan, on the same page.

Thanks Mom and Dad


PPITH4192 said...

JB -
Bob Castellini has nothing on me... except for millions of dollars and bananas. I actually worked for and met Bob C. back in the late 60's. Grandpa Tom worked for Interlake Steel selling pallet rack systems and we installed quite a few in the old Castellini produce warehouses where Paul Brown Stadium now sits. Bob C. was all business and didn't like it that we had fun while putting up the pallet racks. I sincerely hope that everyone liked the lame walk down memory lane I just wrote. I must be getting old... telling stories of back in the olden days. Okay, it won't happen again.
Another batch of tortillas on their way soon. Oh, by the way, Lynne said to watch out for the mercury levels in the tuna. There is also mercury in fluorescent lights, so don't be eating too many of those either.

Jerry said...

Nothing like a fluorescent on rye with cheese and mayo...Yummmmmm!!!!


Dustin Becker said...

Hey John,
Ihave a question for you. Would you rather eat at the chow hall in Iraq, or would you rather eat at Badins cafeteria. before you answer, think about cheeseburger wednesdays, with spicy fries.

Melanie said...

i've never been to the chow hall, but badin's cafeteria sounds mighty good. biscuits and gravy?? cheese pizza?? chicken fried steak?? or was it chicken fried chicken?? yum...
and john, i wrote some questions for you a few posts back. :)