Thursday, December 18, 2008

Turn what you love into what you do!

Well, with ample amounts of time to think about the future, i have decided to try my hand at homebrewing. Yes when i come home it's brew time. I first started this thinking a year or two ago when i happened to be in Grandma Katie's bathroom and I picked up a booklet about the family history. It turns out a great great grandpa of mine used to own a brew company in Covington. Yes i know making one batch of the sweet nectar of the gods isnt the same as mass producing the drink that makes grilling out so much fun.

I will take this slow, but i am for sure gonna find my own perfect beer and brew it all I can. I recently purchased a book about home brewing. It seems to be pretty easy. Just like making dinner, with just two weeks in between. So if anyone out there has brewed their own beer before, and you have tips, shoot some my way. I was thinking of names..... I was thinking BUCK beer. Or it could be called "nine fingered ale." Who knows lots of choices.
Anyway i still have quite a long time before i can make my first batch so for now i will be reading all i can, and who knows maybe one day you can walk to a bartender and ask for a BUCK light.


"LT" said...

I got a couple friends who home brew. If you'd like me to ask a few questions, let me know. They are more than happy to brag about how to do it... LT

Melanie said...

what about a line of pete beers. like "pete pilsner", "charlie hustle ale", "head first amber", etc. although then you'd probably owe pete some royalties, and we all know he'd be sure to collect. make stick to BUCK light.

I'm Mike Buckley said...

Love Mel's suggestions about the Pete beer names. I like Buck Beer, Buck Brew, but especially Buck Bock, only available seasonally of course and by the box like some wines... as in "Better Buy a Box of Buck Bock today!". Not to get picky... but wouldn't the nine fingered ale, really have to be called seven fingered ale? Either way, it's a hellava marketing concept... only drinkable left handed with your index finger drawn back. Salute!

SSG Buckley said...

Love all the idea's! If anyone knows of homebrew stores in and around Cincy, let me know. Its gonna be like the candy at christmas only, its beer and its for the 4th of July!

Jessica said...

After our conversation the other day, and some of the names you gave me, I like BUCK Brew the best. Stick with that.

N. Buck said...

How about Buck Buzz? Maybe not, but I am willing to be your personal taste tester, and will only charge minimum wage.