Saturday, December 13, 2008

Ground Hog day

Well yesterday was kinda like ground hog day, pretty much the same as most of them. Not horrible, not fun. Just living in Iraq. Same basic stuff, Soldiers not making smart choices and it getting them into ...not hot... but warm water. People being lazy, people being pissed off about something and take it out on someone else. People being hard to find. I went to Maint. today to try and find a truck, i had to drop off one that needed fixed. Well thats about it. Been listening to my ipod on my tv. I am a lucky person, i brought a cord that allows me to play my ipod through my tv so i dont even need speakers. Its awesome. Well, with Sopczak gone for two weeks.. he relocated to another post for a short time, mission dictates, things are pretty boring. I dont have someone to talk to all the time that understand my background. No big deal, just means i try and read more and listen to music a little louder. So its frickin cold here. We grilled out a few nights ago. It was nice but cold, just a small weber grill a few burgers and dogs, nice.

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