Sunday, December 21, 2008

Item update

Well as Christmas draws near, i want to thank everyone who has helped my family and I during this crazy 2008 year. Thank you to everyone who has sent packages and cards. All of the items you have sent have reached myself or my fellow soldiers. From cookies to cameras everything has helped. I love it all.
Many people have asked for an update on what they can send in future care packages. Well, let me say the things we dont need. Candy, gum, cookies, sweets and the like. We love them, we have eaten them and getting in shape is hard to do with so much of them still on the shelves. We love them dont get me wrong but we have plenty for the rest of the year.
Yes Soap and I are trying to eat healthy. The tuna everyone has sent is awesome, trust us we love it, I try to eat it for lunch everyday. So things a person could send if they are in the mood to send a care package. Cereal, healthy stuff, not coco puffs. Now we are very partial to Lucky Charms but it might just be the Irish in me. If anyone has ideas of healthy snacks that would help. since veggies dont travel well, i cant put those on the list.The jerky is great, one thing we find ourselves drinking is energy drinks. Now we know these are not the best but the one i love is the Sugar free ROCKSTAR. Its in the white can, my wife knows. we have powdered drinks and those are great but our shelves are stocked. If someone knew of a good powered tea, a healthy green or white tea that we could make, that would be great.
Christmas was good to me this year, and its actually not even here yet. I hope Xmas is good to my kids, Marissa, Roman and Shamus ... I love you all. Jessica i miss you, I love you.
I love the post cards, i need to recount them. I know im close to one hundred. I have a couple of doubles and thats pretty amazing considering how far away some cards have come from.

ANyway thanks so much, I hope everyone has a good Christmas and a happy new year. I got a rosary and holy water from Lourdes. I got some cool soldier type nut crackers. The ornaments are awesome. The books are cool, the christmas cards and pictures are very sweet. I hope to see everyone next year. The COFFEE is the best. Soap and i will be reviewing some of the interesting blends that we have received. I make a pot everyday and each pot is because of one of you. A person that cares and supports their soldiers. Thank you.

1 comment:

Melanie said...

hey john...
i'm on a mission to find and send some healthy snacks your way. i know you think of me as a "granola chick" of sorts, so i'll find some healthy but still yummy things for you guys. merry christmas!!