Thursday, November 27, 2008 Iraq

So today is Thanksgiving and although it truly sucks because im not home with my family i had to make it the best i could. Hey im a Buckley thats what we do. Well first we got to sleep in.... now my wife will be surprised because at home sleeping in for me is maybe 6:30 but here i slept till 8 oclock in the morning. I got up a few times to use the latrine or check that it was indeed daylight but i always went back to sleep. That was nice.I felt refreshed when i finally got up and i made some damn good coffee. It was Folgers, but thats the best we have right now. Again if you like the Java and have an interesting brand or one you are partial to please send it. If we get enough variety we will write our reviews. We love coffee. Anyway, my ususal breakfast of a protein shake, two cups of coffee and a Nutri-Grain bar. Yes maybe not as big as you would expect but im not trying to put on weight over here. Once we started moving about Soap and I had to prepare some things for his convoy so we hopped in a Gator and ran down to Maint. to get some dispatches. This is a lot of fun for us because it is such a change from our last tour. Now keep in mind we would still have walked the mile to maint. if need be but having an ATV to take us is awesome.

Once this task was done, we stopped int he TOC and I got into the mix of handling the days platoon buisness. SSG Gudim and I run the platoon while our platoon sgt. is up at another base. So there were a few things that needed to be worked out. Well after all that it was CHOW time. So today being Thanksgiving and us being hungry well we ate. The chow hall did it up this time, we had turkey, ham, mac and cheese. We had rolls, stuffing, and sparkling grape fruit cocktail. Yeah no alcohol. We actually had a good meal. It was nice. Well the rest of the day proceeded about the same way, small things coming up and decisions being made to make sure they get taken care of. Gotta love it.


Jerry said...

During 12 years of Naval service I spent 6 Thanksgivings at sea. The mess personnel always did it up right. The last one was in 1994, a little south of where you are now. We left Jebel Ali in the UAE the day before and moved north into the Gulf for flight ops. And on Thanksgiving Day, we ate, stood our duty, ate some more, watched football on the satellite, ate some more...

I wish you were home, and I know Jess does as well. In the mean time, keep an eye on the mail as we should be able to get another package out to you soon.

Stay safe,

Anonymous said...

SPC Josh Helm
PFC Larry Wilder
SGT Audria Jacobs
PFC Terri Heishmann
PFC Travis Brierly
SPC Adam Yates
SGT Mellisa Bares
SSG Ed Hystad

Since Michael and I have no immediate family to celetbrate with, and aren't up to going out to the streets and bringing in the homeless like I used to do, we are pretty "low key" this year. However that just gives us more time to keep our thoughts and prayers focused on all of you. Wish you were here so we go throw together a big feast for you all.
I know it can very hard to focus in on what we have to be thankful for when we are away from home this time of year, but if any of you have email, and would like to send us a couple of the things you may be thankful for, we would love to hear about them and from you.
We are thankful for all of you, and are praying for your peace of mind and soul and asking God to meet you right where your at and at your point of needs, as we all are different and God knows just where we are.
I hope the phone cards we sent arrived in time so you all could make some holiday calls to friends and loved ones.
May you all be blessed, and know we love you and appreciate you so much.

Rachele and Michael

I'm Mike Buckley said...

Sounds like your Thanksgiving was at least passable! Nice to know you guys were treated to a traditional Turkey Day meal. Of course we all wish you could be here today, but the pride of knowing that you are exactly what we all should give thanks for... kinda makes up for it. Take care, be safe.

I'm Mike Buckley said...

I forgot...


Anonymous said...

Hey John,
I forgot to mention that New Mexico is known for it's piñon trees, and the
piñon coffee is really great.
We haven't gotten it in the mail yet, but it will be soon. I don't think they do anything here as far as "chili coffee" but if they do, we will hunt it down and send that too!

Michael had me send a short video greeting via email. Remember, I'm just the "messenger" LOL.


Jessica said...

You were sorely missed this year. It wasn't the same without you BUT I did manage to survive three Thanksgivings so I'm taking the next two years off, k.