Sunday, July 13, 2008

Not just the magnet on the car!

I want to say in this post that true support is not just that magnet most people have on their car. No just because you have the yellow ribbon it does not mean you support us troops. Nice try but there is a lot more to it than that. I am not saying also that you have to spend all day and night and tons of cash buying everything a soldier might need, either. I am saying that true support means doing at least one thing that requieres your time and or money. Maybe its sending a package to a name you can get from the VA. Or its writing a letter to your co-workers nephew that is in Iraq. That is the real support the soldiers need. Your car magnet may help you sleep better but it does nothing for us, the soldiers.
I want to talk about a couple that has truly go above and beyond in their support. Many people are doing amazing things for me and i love you all. I want to put a spotlight on these people for a reason. I wont use any names but this couple is from NewMexico and came across this blog on just a chance. I would like to believe God sent it to them. Maybe they needed it or maybe God thought I needed it, but either way they have changed my outlook on the rest of humanity. These wonderful people have sent me items that will make my life easier, more enjoyable and all together better once I am in Iraq. The couple took my list that I posted on this blog and went crazy. The pictures i post here will be from the Camera/Camcorder/MP3player/voice recorder/webcam they sent. I have already found it very handy in preserving the events that are preceeding my departure. They also sent many other items that trust me will be a part of my everyday uniform and life.
I would consider the best item i have recieved is a knife sent to me. The gentelmen of this couple is retired military and he parted with something that i consider a priceless item. This knife im sure has come in handy in many situations, i know that if i ever need its services it will be by myside. Thank you to this couple. They have never met me, they have never even spoke to me outside of email. All things happen for a reason and this is a great thing. I am interested in the reason. I may never know it, but im sure it will come to me.
I want to say thank you again. Thank you!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Joh 15:12-14 This is my commandment, that ye love one another, even as I have loved you.
Greater love hath no man than this, that a man lay down his life for his friends.
Ye are my friends, if ye do the things which I command you.

We fulfill what we have been commanded to do in many ways, you are laying down your life daily in service to this country. We try to lay down our lives by serving you, as we found an open door to do so. In these things we are being obedient, and doing as we all were commanded which is - To Love One Another". Only through God's grace are we able to do this, so often it is not from ourselves that this strength comes but from Him who has given the commandment.
We are blessed in blessing you. Thank you for allowing us the opportunity. You, your family, the troops are in our prayers- Godspeed.