Sunday, July 27, 2008

Just in time


Its the last day home. All the items people were sending me have arrived. They all fit perfectly. Its amazing how some things just work. I have been home for the last two weeks and it has been the best. My basement was finished in so my wife has a perfect place for my boys to play. My basement was done previously but a flood actually blessed us with the opportunity to redo and move up into some much more our style. Thanks Ken and Jeff and everyone at Tumblison Construction Services. They were family but besides that we felt like regular customers. No corners were cut, no detail missed. Thanks again. Now its just packing.
Yeah packing is the hard part, all you do is put clothes and stuff into bags but it makes the end seem much more final. When the uniforms go into the duffel there is no more waiting, no more hoping it just might never come. Its here. Im fine with it I guess but i know my wife hates seeing me pack. I always wonder if i should pack this item or that, I never really know what to expect.

Well i wont blab just yet...... wait yeah I will, my Brand new Dell laptop has made all this prep for not. My charger stopped recharging on Friday. SO i had to call dell and since im under warranty they will ship me one. What time will it arrive you wonder. Ohhh about noon on Monday the time I land in Chicago. yes that mean i take my laptop with me to Buffalo but my charger will not be with me. just my luck...

Oh yeah also once my basement was finished it was about 7-8pm at night all is quiet and I flush our toilet upstairs and what do I see? Water coming out from under the base of the toilet. Yes my toilet was leaking. So I had to shut down the bathroom, the only bathroom in the house, and I had to run to Walmart and get the wax ring to re-seal the toilet to the drain pipe.

Its all fixed. I rock. I will miss my basement, my wife, my kids and everything I do on a normal basis.

1 comment:

Jessica said...

I love how you put the basement before me. I love you too. LOL