Monday, May 5, 2008

Last Drill

So this past weekend was my official last drill weekend for at least a year. I was both happy and a little sad. Happy because drill weekends can suck very bad. A lot of drill weekends are boring. The ARMY doesnt always have lots of money or ways to train soldiers on a basic Saturday and Sunday drill. Many weekends you spend your time just walking around trying to look busy. Happy because now the answering of the same question "when you leaving" is over. Sad because i will miss the soldiers and friends i made at the 705th. I have been in the same platoon and the same company, hell even the same squad for over 10 years. There are only a handful of people left at the 705th who where there when i first walked in. People have transferred units, gotten out of the ARMY or just stopped coming altogether. I will miss the soldiers i have trained. i have seen many of them click off years and get older. I have seen many drink too much and puke. i have seen many find out that being a good soldier isn't just showing up to drill. I have had yelling match's, i have had my butt chewed out. You name it Ive done it at the 705th. I went Christmas parties with these people, grill outs, weddings, funerals, and the occasional ambush. I have laughed, cried, fought, and hugged. I have bleed next to them, done things I'm not proud of next to them. Now even though a few will travel with me, i leave the 705th behind. Sgt. Groman thanks for listening, i have seen you grown from a 19 year old wide eyed kid to a 21 year old NCO. Good luck in all you do. When i come home I want my first steak to be grilled by you. SFC Cook, thanks for helping save my life. Thanks for showing me a different style of leadership. Sgt. Fisher WHODEY!
I still have a few days where i will need to return to the 705th but there will be no goodbye's or goodluck's. Guess i will have to change my license plate?

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