Thursday, March 26, 2009

Happy Birthday Marissa

So Today is Marissa's birthday. She is 7. If you get a chance or have a second please call or write Jessica and wish Marissa happy birthday. She is such a wonderful young lady. I am very proud of her. She is reading so well. Marissa is growing up way too fast for me. I can remember when she was a hyped up little 4 year old running around outside on her power wheel. Marissa loves to read and loves to read to people. If you ever get a chance to watch the kids, ask Marissa to read to you. Im sure you will be as awestruck as I was. Marissa loves Hannah Montana and cool clothes. She seems to be 7 going on 17 but I understand she is just growing up. Marissa is having a Birthday party coming up and if anyone would like to send anything or attend please contact Jessica or myself via email and we will get you the details.

Happy Birthday Marissa. I miss you very much.

1 comment:

Melanie said...

happy birthday marissa!!