Monday, May 11, 2009

Planning ahead

Ok so im sorry i havent posted in a while, things here have been blah and pretty negative and im not gonna post about that here. I want to keep myself upbeat and posting about all the major problems my unit is having will not do that. SO looking forward to coming home. As my close friends and family know i will be adding a deck to my house as soon as i get home. I put out the call now to all those manly friends and family memebers who would like to help in this adventure to be ready and able. Not to say our womanly friends and family arent more than invited to participate. Sorry if that sounded bad. I hope to be home during the last week in July so this is when i plan on doing material purchasing. The first weekend in August is when the deck goes up..... unless im not back yet. Either way come rain or snow or howling winds that deck goes up. I have a design picked out and I have sent it to my father. I am going to post a link to it here now so if you want to get a picture for yourself you can.

What I will need is a few experts at woodwork for this. I wont rely on you to do the whole deck but to advise and direct the hands that will be ready. I want to be involved even though i know im a novice when it comes to carpentry. If tools are need, I can get them, if extra lumber is needed just let me know. I am hoping to have about 5-7 guys/girls able to help, it will be more than a one day build so all 5-7 are not needed on the first day but the second day all hands on deck are called for. If you can, go to the link to see what im envisioning. I want to keep the deck low to the ground and with no railing. I want to keep the feel of openess. I want the off shoot that shows the grill to run right up against the house and come out about 6-7 feet. I plan to put a new stainless steel grill there. I havent decided on wood choices yet. Any suggestions. Please save the dates and be ready to work. If its coming home party or this i would rather have people able to help with the deck. Its something that will make my summers end at home much more enjoyable.

The fence around the carport will be finished so no worries about kids running around in the street and chasing after them. I will provide food each day and beer after each days work. Yes thats free food and free beer.................. now your ready to work arnt you. Any relatives that would like to come into town for a weekend and see the boys and help out you are more than welcome. This will be the weekend to do it.

Thanks again to everyone for everything. I will post more as time permits.

1 comment:

Unknown said...

Hey dude, Ken here. I will gladly help you with the deck. Just remind me when you get back. Old age causes the memory to fade sometimes. You know I have all the power tools and air tools you need. The design is great. I would suggest using 5/4 x 6 boards. They give the best look. Composite decking looks great but the price is not worth it as the framing will still be treated lumber so why have lifetime decking when the underside will eventually rot out anyway. Email me at if you want me to get my people at Carter Lumber to get a package price for you on the material. We still plan on giving you the repaint and basement bath walls before you come back. Probably the 2nd week of July so it will still be fresh. Be safe and we'll see you soon.